Coat of arms for nobility, families and cities.


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carved and painted by heraldic artist and master sculptor Manfred Gerlach





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Individual carvings like coat of arms of nobility, families and cities are hand-crafted by heraldic artist and master sculptor Manfred Gerlach.

The Lord of North Cadbury's Family Coat of Arms carved in wood and painted by the German master carver and Heraldic sculptor Manfred Gerlach. Mr Gerlach is a highly recommended master carver with a great Heraldic knowledge.

For a symbol to be called coat of arms, it needs to follow the rules of heraldry.

Crests and Coats of Arms for your family or organization, fraternity, sorority, church, or office carved by hand

for organization, fraternity

Heraldic shields show connections to a noble family but are sometimes used as a way of representing status by including trade symbols within a shield.  









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- Last change Sept .07. 2019 -





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Individual carvings like coat of arms of nobility, families and cities are hand-crafted by heraldic artist and master sculptor Manfred Gerlach.

The Lord of North Cadbury's Family Coat of Arms carved in wood and painted by the German master carver and Heraldic sculptor Manfred Gerlach. Mr Gerlach is a highly recommended master carver with a great Heraldic knowledge.

For a symbol to be called coat of arms, it needs to follow the rules of heraldry.

Crests and Coats of Arms for your family or organization, fraternity, sorority, church, or office carved by hand

for organization, fraternity

Heraldic shields show connections to a noble family but are sometimes used as a way of representing status by including trade symbols within a shield.  


Hand carved family coat of arms for nobility, families and city, or organization, fraternity.
A coat of arms is a unique heraldic design on an escutcheon
The colors can have special meaning on a "family crest" or coat of arms
Read the Shields surname history and you see the family crest, coat of arms
Carved family emblem, symbols carved in wood
All over the world Heraldic Arts traditional striking designs of realistic crests
This website outlines the work of the master Sculptor and woodcarver Manfred Gerlach

Hand carved

  • .Family coat of arms shild
  • Family Coat of Arms, Family Shields and Family Crests
  • Authentic family coats of arms, family crests, heraldic symbols, and heraldry.
  • The original carving was carved from wooden this original woodcarving
  • Origins of Heraldic Crests and Coat of Arms
  • A carved and painted Coat of Arms or Crest
  • Crests and coats of arms and  are unique to the particular family.
  • Heraldic Sculptor and Woodcarver
  • Coats of Arms, for Royal, corporate and family crests carved and painted by heraldic sculptor Manfred Gerlach
Wood carving by hand
  • Wood Carvings displaying your coat of arms and family crest or any custom design.
  • Wooden crest coat of arms and corporate carved and painted.
  •  Organization, fraterity Crests carv in wood
  • Carved family emblem
  • I can make you your hand carved family coat of arms
  • coat of arms wood carvings
  • all the detail and beauty that only hand carved work can provide for your home
  • Heraldry: Insignia, Blazons and Coats of Arms. Woodcarvings






figures, sculptures, largely or small in block-glued wood or directly into a trunk with the hand into the wood, so that each unique piece is a genuine Unikat handcarved by the sculptor or holzbildhauer. The holzbildhauer or Schnitzer has it by hand into the wood carved with much fine feeling and love for the detail. Madonnas, or Marienfiguren of each art. Madonna, Madonna Lourde, nut/mother of God, Anna same-third, hurting man, Christ representations, Maria, Mariendarstellung, Maria with child, apple Madonna, Christ with world ball, the gekreuzigte Christ. They know practically each kind of skraler figure, or sculpture according to your desire to order completely and each figure is a Unikat. The wood for the figures is professionally in the block glued, therefore block-glues, or the figure, Sculptur you-hit a corner carved into the wood, speak the trunk or trunk.

 Nobility and families Coat of arms - Crests, Lordships, Ladychips, Barons, Baroness.

Heraldic Heraldry Family Crests and Coat of Arms in Wood.

Who are our ancestors? Where do our names come from and where do we belong? These questions are nearly as old as mankind. Family coat of arms go at least back to the period when people started to adopt a symbol to be distinguished from another. During the Middle Ages the crest art reaches its highest development.I can make you an exquisite entirely hand carved and painted coat of arms if you send me a picture of a coat of arms.


The ancient Romans used similar insignia on their shields, but these identified military units rather than individuals. The first evidence of medieval coats of arms is found in the Bayeux Tapestry from the 11th century, where some of the combatants carry shields painted with crosses. Coats of arms came into general use by feudal lords and knights in battle in the 12th century. By the 13th century, arms had spread beyond their initial battlefield use to become a flag or logo for families in the higher social classes of Europe, inherited from one generation to the next. Exactly who had a right to use arms, by law or social convention, varied to some degree between countries. In the German-speaking region both the aristocracy and burghers (non-noble free citizens) used arms, while in most of the rest of Europe they were limited to the aristocracy. The use of arms spread to Church clergy, and to towns as civic identifiers, and to royally-chartered organizations such as universities and trading companies. Flags developed from coats of arms, and the arts of vexillology and heraldry are closely related. The coats of arms granted to commercial companies are a major source of the modern logo.

Despite no widespread regulation, heraldry has remained consistent across Europe, where traditions alone have governed the design and use of arms. Unlike seals and other general emblems heraldic achievements have a formal description called a blazon, expressed in a jargon that allows for consistency in heraldic depictions. In the present day, coats of arms are still in use by a variety of institutions and individuals; for example, many European cities and universities have guidelines on how their coats of arms may be used, and protect their use as trademarks. Many societies exist that also aid in the design and registration of personal arms. Some nations, like England and Scotland, still maintain the same heraldic authorities which have traditionally granted and regulated arms for centuries and continue to do so in the present day.

Schnitzerei, Schnitzereien, Schnitzarbeiten oder Handschnitzerei, die ausschließlich nur mit der Hand geschnitzt wird, also handgeschnitzt.Art handcarved, which means that? Schnitzerei, Schnitzereien, carving work or Handschnitzerei, which are carved excluding only with the hand, thus handcarved. erotism-moebel as from the time Katharina of the large ones? with very erotischen motives. Preparation of erotischer furniture in one-off production. Altes-antique-Troedel Neuware antiques, carved figures. Preparation of erotischer furniture, like from the time of Katharina of the large ones. One-off production with beautiful, highly erotischen, handcarved motives after old erotischen original photos, or also completely according to your desires. By the art carpenter manufactured, and by the holzbildhauer in affectionate detailed work artistically by hand carved, and when desired also colored calm and sheet-gilds. erotism-moebel of all kinds: Small furniture, tables, providing tables and complete particularly: Mirror and consoles, chairs and armchair, chess tables etc.. We sell also photo expressions of the original photos of erotischer furniture, from Katharinas times. Expression in approx.. DIN A 4 size of piece of 5, oo euro 6 old original photos show erotische furniture as from the time of Katharina of the large ones. The photos are old, and worn out, (nevertheless war confusions and the last 65 years have outlasted) a photo shows an armchair with outstanding carved very erotischen motives a photo of a erotischen round table and 4 different detail photos. Inquiries on: art@kunst - alround kind, handcarvings, carved OF hand, handcarved, carving works, carving work, carving, motives for carving, coat OF of arm kind, town center coat OF of arm, private one coat OF of arm, coat OF of arm more customer, carved, wood, woodcarvings, carving picture, carving pictures, carving figure, Carving of figures, writing, inscription, inscriptions, Saying, sayings, carved, carving iron, carving tool, carving bank, carving tools, Sculptor, sculpture, sculptor work, sculptor work, picture carving, figure carving, wood, sculptor, wood figure, manual work, handicraft, craftsman, handicraft kind, hand work things, child, kindist, antique, alto, old, artist, artist, antique, antique, antique furniture, antique, antiques, regenerating, processing, picture, Buddhafigure, Christian figure, Christian body, execution, draft, Drafts, draft carving, figure, figures, wood model, Icon, Jesus, picture, kind carving, love, lisene, massif, massif wood, Furniture, furniture, furniture carving, model, model carving, ornamentation, Ornamentation carving work, ornamentations, ornamentation carving, rosette, Figures restore more restorer, Sculptures, history of the erotism pre and early history from before-historical time are already human representations sexual to find in the whole world. Sculptures like the Venus of will village and murals as in the caves of Lascaux are well-known certifications. The anthropology assigns these mostly ritual fertility rites. Merkur (Pompeii) it must be accepted that there is erotische literature, since humans can bring works to paper. At in former times time the erotism has however only minimum meaning and is usually limited to the mythologischen range (e.g. in the papyrus collection). Same applies to the incunabula and the abendlaendischen handwriting. Those antique erotism shows already the whole Specktrum of human erotism, is it hetero and homosexual of contents. It reflects itself in the antique myth and cult. From the Roman Antique one representations are both male and the female bodies and objects of sexual desiring, as well as the Sexualakts well-known. It was quite usual to decorate the walls of the sleep areas with representations of sexual contents and to decorate utensils of the daily life with appropriate illustrations. A restriction of the entrance to these illustrations or a distinction between art and Pornografie was not made after the current state of research. The Middle Ages Eroti representations from
Wood Carving Wood carving can be defined as the art of shaping statues, ornaments, furniture, and utensils out of wood by means of cutting tools, drills, and abrasives to create, restore, or repair useful or decorative objects. Various woods have been observed to have their own unique qualities and are used accordingly. Wood carving is a specialized fine wood working craft taking advantage of the unique characteristics of wood that have established this medium as humankind’s first useful and still dominant raw material. Manfred It is really amazing how his work expresses millions of different feelings. Manfred started working with wood when he was just a little child. he continued studying and he could discover how a little piece of wood could be converted in a piece of fine art. However, he has worked with different styles and techniques, but his really passion is the wood. For this reason, he creates different motives and themes that touch every single people of the world, look at his sign of peace under:

Wood carving can be defined as the art of shaping statues, ornaments, furniture, and utensils out of wood by means of cutting tools, drills, and abrasives to create, restore, or repair useful or decorative objects. Various woods have been observed to have their own unique qualities and are used accordingly. Wood carving is a specialized fine wood working craft taking advantage of the unique characteristics of wood that have established this medium as humankind’s first useful and still dominant raw material.


We carve the representation of each figure, each kind of reproduction or imitation. A privatmann after photo, a craftsman, a hunter, a monk, a farmer, a saemann. a sailor, a night watchman, a Urban, a book worm, a girl a boy, a beautiful woman, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Animals dog, cat, horse, horses, birds, owls. Everything of the holzbildhauer with the hand carved, relief, ornamentations, ornamentations of everyone style-pounds, Romanesque, Ghotik, Renaissance, Louis Phillip, conventional Meier, period of promoterism, also murals, sayings, inscriptions


In the carving workshop Gerlach and wood sculpture Gerlach, carve wood carver, wood sculptor and model carver after one carve draft of the sculptor and sculptor master Gerlach. From wood single models and Unikate of carving Madonnas, painted Madonnas, holy figures, carving figures and carving sculptures, gewachste wood carving figures and oiled Holzschnitzskuplturen, calm figures and sculptures, painted and gilded figures in manual work carved. From noble wood carving reliefs, larger and smaller wood reliefs, pickled and nature-left reliefs, as well as pictures, carving murals and carved murals in addition carving pictures, likewise wood carving pictures are worked and carved dearful with the hand.

A wood carver begins a new carving by selecting a chunk of wood the approximate size and shape of the figure he or she wishes to create or, if the carving is to be large, several pieces of wood may be laminated together to create the required size. The type of wood is important. Hardwoods are more difficult to shape but have greater luster and longevity. Softer woods may be easier to carve but are more prone to damage. Any wood can be carved but they all have different qualities and characteristics. The choice will depend on the requirements of carving being done: for example a detailed figure would need a wood with a fine grain and very little figure as strong figure can interfere with 'reading' fine detail.

Once the sculptor has selected their wood, he or she begins a general shaping process using gouges of various sizes. The gouge is a curved blade that can remove large portions of wood smoothly. For harder woods, the sculptor may use gouges sharpened with stronger bevels, about 35 degrees, and a mallet similar to a stone carver's. The terms gouge and chisel are open to confusion. Correctly, a gouge is a tool with a curved cross section and a chisel is a tool with a flat cross section. However, professional carvers tend to refer to them all as 'chisels'. Smaller sculptures may require the wood carver to use a knife, and larger pieces might require the use of a saw. No matter what wood is selected or tool used, the wood sculptor must always carve either across or with the grain of the wood, never against the grain.

Once the general shape is made, the carver may use a variety of tools for creating details. For example, a “veiner” or “fluter” can be used to make deep gouges into the surface, or a “v-tool” for making fine lines or decorative cuts. Once the finer details have been added, the wood carver finishes the surface. The method chosen depends on the required quality of surface finish. The texture left by shallow gouges gives 'life' to the carving's surface and many carvers prefer this 'tooled' finish. If a completely smooth surface is required general smoothing can be done with tools such as “rasps,” which are flat-bladed tools with a surface of pointed teeth. “Rifflers” are similar to rasps, but smaller, usually double ended, and of various shapes for working in folds or crevasses. The finer polishing is done with abrasive paper. Large grained paper with a rougher surface is used first, with the sculptor then using finer grained paper that can make the surface of the sculpture slick to the touch.

After the carving and finishing is completed, the artist may seal & color the wood with a variety of natural oils, such as walnut or linseed oil which protects the wood from dirt and moisture. Oil also imparts a sheen to the wood which, by reflecting light, helps the observer 'read' the form. Carvers seldom use gloss varnish as it creates too shiny a surface, which reflects so much light it can confuse the form; carvers refer to this as 'the toffee apple effect'. Objects made of wood are frequently finished with a layer of wax, which protects the wood and gives a soft lustrous sheen. A wax finish is comparatively fragile though and only suitable for indoor carvings.






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